中学 should be an exciting new beginning.
中学ers need a learning environment designed just for them. Instead of expecting sixth graders to sit still, 保持专注, 听老师讲课50分钟, Waynflete offers classes where 学生 are encouraged to move around, 问问题, 头脑风暴, 然后得出自己的结论. 身边都是支持我的成年人和朋友, 中学ers make incredible leaps forward across three transformative years.
Inside 中学
Hanging out with friends in homeroom, study hall, and seminar. 带着活页夹和ipad去上课. Lockers, Café lunch, Latin class, lacrosse drills, learning a new instrument. Let our 学生 show you what a day at Waynflete 中学 is 真的 喜欢——以及他们为什么喜欢它.
就像亲身体验一样, experiential learning is core to our curriculum, exploring our campus and classrooms is an essential part of the application process. 云顶集团赌场的入学活动很有趣, 互动, no-pressure opportunities to observe classes, 听取学生和老师的意见, 与现任父母交谈, 和更多的. 参见即将到来的入学活动
Our athletics program introduces 学生 to a variety of team sports, beginning with basic skills in Grade 6 Physical Education class and advancing to inclusive competitive teams (no cuts!)在七年级和八年级. Athletes of all skill levels make great strides and discover the joys of taking on physical challenges together.
阿瑟·安德森博士.D., an associate teaching professor of archaeology from the University of New England, recently visited Waynflete to help grade 6 history 学生 kick off their mock archaeological dig. Student groups were given a bin of soil (or layers...
Phil Coupe from Revision Energy recently visited with seventh graders to teach them about different industries in Maine in preparation for their upcoming history unit, Maine Industry Past and Present (this unit will build off the seventh-grade theme “Exploring 首页。”)....
1月 . 9 , 2024
- 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm
SNOW DATE: 上学校 入学 Reception VIRTUAL
SNOW DATE: 上学校 入学 Reception VIRTUAL
1月 . 10 , 2024
- 9:00 am – 10:30 am
- 展望:2-5年级
- 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm
1月 . 12 , 2024
- 8:00 am – 3:15 pm
1月 . 15 , 2024
- 整天
马丁·路德·金. 一天不上学,办公室关闭
马丁·路德·金. 一天不上学,办公室关闭
1月 . 18 , 2024
- 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
For 学生 with documented learning challenges, Waynflete可以提供辅导, 长时间, 或者其他安排. Faculty advisors confer with 学生 and families at the start of the school year to get a strong plan in place and check in regularly with tutors, 学生, 父母, and teachers to monitor progress and address issues throughout the year. Waynflete顾问可能会建议进行测试, 评价, and academic support for 学生 to address emerging issues.
Students managing ongoing health concerns or experiencing short-term health challenges like concussions can rely on the Waynflete health team to help them navigate temporary classroom location changes, 电梯的特权, 放弃体力活动, 和更多的.
Waynflete knows it is not always possible to come to school healthy and ready to learn. Teachers and staff are attuned to 学生’ wellbeing and watch for early warning signs of emerging mental health challenges. Our robust wellness curriculum also focuses on mental health to empower 学生 to seek help if they are concerned about themselves or a friend. We employ two licensed clinical social workers as well as consulting clinical psychologists to be able to quickly and effectively connect 学生 in crisis with effective services and referrals.
云顶集团赌场知道每个学生的需求 更多的 今年.
更多来自老师一对一的关注. More hands-on, in-depth, challenging learning. 有更多的时间和朋友联系. See how Waynflete will make the most of this school year
“One of the joys of leading our 中学 is the opportunity to cultivate curiosity, create an atmosphere of mutual care and respect, and guide moments of courage as 学生 discover their own voices and sense of individual agency. Identity is the work of 中学, and I am grateful to be a part of its emergence.”